Organico Shop Bantry - A resource for information on natural remedies, complimentary and alternative medicines

Saturday, August 12, 2006

We have moved to

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ryder Cup Live

The Ryder Cup has kicked off this morning and the weather has held off. The Ryder Diary
is covering the action live it's a great blog.

Technorati tags ryder cup, golf

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Idiots Guide to Ryder Cup

Great idiots guide to the Ryder Cup over on
It's the ideal bluffers guide to the event - giving you the format, the venue, the players etc etc

Technorati tags ryder cup, golf

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Spring DeTox from Organico Bantry

Springtime is the perfect time for starting a detox. The sap is rising and everything is coming back to life with the longer days. From a naturopathic perspective it is reccommended that we detox at least once or twice a year, preferably spring and autumn. Detoxing is especially reccommended if you:

1. Smoke
2. Drink more than one cup of coffee or cola per day,
3. Drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week
4. Suffer from PMS, regular colds or flues, or feel tired all the time
5. Are overweight, constipated, or feel bloated after eating

In Organico we reccommend people to work up to detoxing by first changing their diet and adding more water to their daily rutine. Dietary changes depend on the individual but usually include trying to limit or cut out coffee and tea (which may at first provoke a headache - in my experience thie is just something you have to live through); limit or cut out sugar (including sources of sugar such as potatoes and white bread and pasta), alcohol, and dairy products. As this is only a temporary diet there should be no health risks but obviously if you are unwell you should consulta a qualified practicioner before commencing. What you try to eat lots of is brown rice, organic vegetables, fish, seaweeds, warming soups from lentils and other pulses, and herbal teas and fresh juices. If you live in West Cork then come to Organico Cafe for lunch every day - we always have something on the menu suitable for detoxing!

The next stage is to chose herbal remedies suitable for aiding a detox programme. These can be as simple as a tea you drink morning and night. The tea that we reccommed in Organico Bantry is Flor Essence and is a sophisticated form of Essiac, a combination of herbs that is widely used to treat serious illnesses as well as to detox. In our experience this tea is gentle but very effective. We usually reccommend a healthy person to undertake a 3-week detox plan; the first week mostly preparing and then the second and third weeks taking Flor Essence twice per day while following the diet.

More information on detoxing and general health can be found on Dr. Elson Haas's website. In Organico Shop we sell all of Dr Haas's books - he really knows his stuff!

Organico Shop, Glengarriff Rd., Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. Phone +353 (0)27 51391

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ryder Cup Map

If you're trying to get to the Ryder Cup in Straffan in September here's a link to a really good Ryder Cup Map
The same site also has the map of the Ryder Cup Road Closures and loads of other useful stuff on the Ryder Cup

Technorati tags ryder cup, golf

The only Organic Spot in Bantry!

If you like Organic good food you must visit Organico Cafe, Shop, and Bakery in Bantry, West Cork. In Organico we specailise in offering an organic alternative wherever we can source one - that means our shop stocks everything from Organic foods to wines, fresh fruits and veggies right down to organic woolly socks! We also stock Dr Hauschka face and body products, baby care products, a huge range of supplements and herbal teas, capsules and tinctures. We are well known as the largest and best-stocked healthfood shop in West Cork.

Organico Cafe uses nearly 100% organic ingredients for its extensive range of fresh salads, hot meals and gourmet teas and coffees. Our menu changes regularly to reflect what is in season locally and what is available from local Irish organic producers. Our coffee is Fair Trade as well as being organic and we use Glenisk organic milk for our lattes!

Organico Bakery specialises in Organic Spelt breads and cakes. Spelt is an older form of wheat than durum wheat, which 99% of flour is made from. It has a much lower gluten content than durum wheat and a much higher vitamin and mineral content. This means that digesting foods made from spelt flour is much easier and gives us more nutritional value. Spelt cakes also taste great so it's the best choice all round!

Organico cafe is open from 10 - 6 Monday to Saturday and the shop is open 9.30 - 6 Monday to Saturday as well.

Organico Shop, Glengarriff Rd., Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. Phone +353 (0)27 51391

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Dr Hauschka - Bantry

Organico is delighted to have been selected to stock the much loved ‘Dr Hauschka’ range of cosmetics, which we launched with a delightful Beauty Morning in Organico Café. Mary Berkery from Heaven and Earth (the Distributers of Dr Hauschka in Ireland) Gave a really interesting seminar on the benefits of using a product that is entirely natural and designed to improve the condition of our skin instead its appearance. We also had an opportunity to try out all the products, which was great as it gives you an idea whether a product is for you or not without having to purchase it.

Dr Hauschka products have been around since the early 20th century, when Dr Rudolf Steiner's philosophy on humanith and health inspired his colleague Dr Rudolf Hauschka to develop a range of holistic herbal and homeopathic remedies which he termed 'anthroposophic'. In the 1960's called Elisabeth Sigmund worked with Dr Hauschka to extend this new approach to healthcare to cosmetics, and in 1967 the Dr Hauschka range of cosmetics began to be manufactured.

From then until now, Dr Hauschka products have grown in popularity and are now sold in over 20 countries. They are especially popular with a number of high profile celebrities like Madonna, Brad Pitt and Kate Moss.

Personally, what I love about the Dr Hauschka products is the combination of knowing that I am supporting a highly ethical and principled company and at the same time doing the best for my skin. Because of the connection to anthroposophy, Dr Hauschka chose all the ingredients for their healing and nourishing properties, the end result of which is a range of products that help improve all skin conditions, which is great for those of us who use the products. As well, and just as importantly, the philosophy behind Dr Hauschka products is such that the production methods are among the best in the world.

It's important to bear in mind that your skin is an organ and will absorb whatever you apply to it. Personally I'd prefer to be absorbing natural healing ingredients rather than the toxic bi-products of the petro-chemical industry!

Organico Shop, Glengarriff Rd., Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. Phone +353 (0)27 51391

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Back To School from a Natural Perspective

One of the big topics on all parents' minds at the moment is the transition back to school and how it will affect their children.

In Organico Health Shop in Bantry we are innundated with queries from parents about how best to support their children at this time. There are often two areas they are worried about, firstly their child's nutritional health and protection from infection, and secondly their emotional well-being.

Over the summer most children eat well. However, there is less fresh fruit available in the winter, and often being at school all day does not improve your child's diet. What we reccomend if parents are concerned about their child may not be getting all the fruit and vegetables they need is a fantastic liquid vitamin tonic called 'Kindervital' by Salus Haus, a German company with a fantastic reputation for quality health tonics. Kindervital's vitamins and nutrients are blended in a natural fruit juice and herb base, which both aids absorption and is tasty and tempting to even the pickiest of children. Kindervital contains calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, D, C, and B Vitamins. These are all vital for energy, protection against infections, proper growth and development and brain function and development. Kindervital also contains naturally occurring carotenes which are involved with the growth and repair of tissue and are a source of betacarotene, a powerful antioxidant. It increases the number of white blood cells and protects the lining of the lungs and ear canal making it important against recurrent infections.

On another level, the beginning of the school term can cause many children to feel anxious and this can impact on their sleep patterns and their energy levels. A good remedy for the transition period is made by Bach Flower Remedies and is called Walnut.

Flower remedies are very safe and can be used by all the family. The Bach center recommends Walnut as the perfect remedy for times of change and transition, 'from being born to teething to going to school to puberty to marriage to childbearing to retirement and beyond'. It is described as 'helping to break links with the past so that the person can move forward with confidence and without undue suffering'.
On a final note, sometimes parents are coming into talk to us not just about their children's health and wellbeing but about their own! Obviously, from the quote above Walnut can be used effectively by parents as well during this stressful time.

Naturally you should always consult a qualified medical practitioner for any chronic health conditions.

Organico Shop, Glengarriff Rd., Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. Phone +353 (0)27 51391